Satellite Writer Team Starts Testing GPT Neox 20B

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Satellite Writer Team Starts Testing GPT Neox 20B.

We are excited to announce that we will start testing our current checkpoints and compare results between GPT-J6B and GPT-Neox20B.

After a year-long odyssey through months of chip shortage-induced shipping delays, technical trials and tribulations, and aggressively boring debugging, we are happy to finally announce EleutherAI’s latest open-source language model: GPT-NeoX-20B, a 20 billion parameter model trained using our GPT-NeoX framework on GPUs generously provided by our friends at CoreWeave.

“Our team’s commitment to stay on the bleeding edge should keep us in front of our competition for the foreseeable future,” – said Sal Peer, Founder of AI Exosphere, LLC.

We hope that the increased accessibility of models of this size will aid in research towards the safe use of AI systems and encourage anyone interested in working in this direction to join the RISE Innovation Forum.

#gptneox #ai #startup

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